Let's get personal.
That is Nancy Sander’s, owner of Sanderosa Art Gallery, philosophy. She wants to know about the artists, their work and their story. In turn. she loves sharing them with those who walk through the doors.
She values her gallery not only for established artists but as a haven for those who need a boost. She is like a life coach for artists, providing support and motivation when they find themselves battling their critical inner voice that tries to derail their creative efforts.
Leaving a horse ranch and one of Crescent City’s art gallery, Nancy moved from California to be closer to her grandkids and see what she could stir up in Laporte.
In the middle of the pandemic Nancy knew artists were in their studios, be it at their dining tables or sun dosed easels, and needed to replicate their works. She reached out to Jerry's Artarama in Fort Collins, offering Giclée prints for very reasonable prices. Using the specialized equipment she brought with her from California (they aren’t your ordinary ink jet scanners/printers), Nancy thoughtfully and thoroughly dialogues with artists in order to figure out the best way to reproduce their originals.
To show in the gallery:
Set up meeting to discuss artwork with owner, Nancy Sander
email or call for appointment
stop by ​
Once approved​
​Display space will be selected
Monthly fee based on size
Beginning May 1, 2023 new gallery artists must become a NOCOAC basic member
No commission taken on sold art pieces
No sales tax or credit card charges are deducted​​
What comes with showing at Sanderosa:​​
Listing in Artist Directory on website
New Gallery Artist announcement on FB and Instagram
Able to participate in gallery and NOCOAC events
Take part in Monthly Artist Group Meetings​
Large Format Art Display at Northern Colorado Artist Community Headquarters (NOCOAC)
Minimum size: 2.5' x 4'
$3 per sqft/month
3 month commitment

Sanderosa Art Gallery 3101 Kintzley Ct. Unit R Laporte, CO 80535
NOCOAC 3121 Kintzley Ct. Unit A, Laporte, CO 80535