Denise Wunderle

I grew up in the small mid-western town of Lakewood, Ohio and ventured out west at age twenty to explore the mountains and learned to ski at Snowbird, Utah. I eventually found my way into college and obtained two nursing degrees. I lived in Seattle for several years, then the exploration bug got me again and I found myself in Southeast Asia for several months. The stunning beauty of the landscape and my visits to many art museums at home and in SE Asia captured my spirit and eventually led me to painting and drawing after retiring from my nursing career. It all started with an innocent trip to the art store after a fleeting thought of putting what I had experienced onto a surface. I fortunately got to know some of the very amazing Loveland artists and have been painting with them ever since.
I have been inspired by the wild places and animals as well as man’s attempt to emulate the feelings evoked in nature through artwork. A joy comes from my attempts of capturing moments of my life on countless hikes, various adventures, and encounters with colorful creatures including ourselves. I am always experimenting with a variety of mediums to achieve my goal of sharing my impressions with others. It is crucial in our ever changing world that we capture memories that may inspire conservation of the places, lives, and environments. I have little formal education in the arts; however, I am very familiar with learning new skills in my nursing career and will be the first to admit that I stay steadfast to a goal. Of course, there is never an end goal in creating, only what is left after the journey to create which lasts a lifetime.