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Jackie Bruggers lives in the beautiful foothills of Fort Collins, Colorado.  She was born in New York City but her life changed significantly when she married a wildlife biologist who specialized in birds.  His first job was in Dakar, Senegal Africa and Mogadishu, Somalia where Jackie was soon introduced to the exacting details of illustrating birds for scientific papers and designing a series of bird stamps.  This intensive work that focused on detail was very time consuming and the original took weeks to finish.  Pricing and having a detailed product lead to printing cycles from the originals. 


Jackie no longer illustrates for scientific papers, but uses birds and nature to illustrate stories and encouraging words.  When not in her studio with her cat as company, she enjoys growing a garden with her husband and kayaking with her dog.

Jackie Bruggers


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Northern Colorado Artist Community          3121 Kintzley Ct. Unit A,  Laporte, CO  80535            970.818.8928

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