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Lynn Weiser

Lynn has always been interested in some form of creating. Her mom and sister taught her how to embroider and sew at a very early age. Lynn and friend were the only girls in high school shop class. She has always had beads of some kind around. 


About eight years ago Lynn renewed her love of making jewelry as a way of occupying her mind after her mom passed away. It is very therapeutic.


Then Lynn discovered her true passion -- working with copper. Everything from fold-forming to enameling to up-cycling copper into bracelets or earrings. Her bracelets are made from copper wire her husband found laying in the brush; the copper coils from old starter motors in large trucks that a friend gave her along with copper tubing from another friend that replaced plumbing in her house.

"It's very satisfying to turn these items into beautiful pieces of jewelry."


Lynn's two friends, Cindy and Luz, and herself form 3 Friends Jewelry. We each have our own areas of interest and enjoy our time spent together creating. 


Northern Colorado Artist Community          3121 Kintzley Ct. Unit A,  Laporte, CO  80535            970.818.8928

© 2021-2025 Sanderosa Art Gallery

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