Our Members are the most important part of our nonprofit because they maintain the organization. They keep it running and in working order.
Membership Guidelines
Membership is open during anytime of the year
Fees will not be prorated
Membership renewal due by January 10th (no matter when you joined) or membership will be discontinued
Members will fill out membership application and return to NOCOAC
Members or Sponsors will receive Organization Donation Receipt
Must be a NOCOAC member to show at Sanderosa Art Gallery
Basic Artist Membership ~ $45/year (one person)
Annual Show in NOCOAC gallery with award
Off site Exhibition Opportunities
Featured Artists Opportunities
Monthly Artist Group Meetings
Membership mention on website
Annual meeting with the Board of Directors
Membership Party​​
Members are not required to volunteer but Encouraged
Business Membership ~ $100/year
Logo and one sentence promotion in the newsletter once a year
Framed certificate of membership to displa
Membership mention on website
Family Membership ~ $85/year
2 to 5 people in the membership
List names on the membership application
Must be living at same address
Same as Basic Membership Benefits
Student Membership ~ $10/year
Must have a valid school ID or letter from school
Same as Basic Membership Benefits
Members are not required to volunteer but are Encouraged. The growth of NOCOAC is solely dependent on a strong Volunteer Base. Your commitment can be on a regular basis or when you have an hour or two to help out.
As we grow, we have more opportunities for the gallery to be open in the evenings. This has proven very successful in terms of sales. We can’t be open without your help.
Get trained to work in the gallery—it is a 30 minute process.
Click on icon for your Membership application.
Fill out and either email to NOCOAC or personally bring it into the gallery.
We don't have an online means of payment, at this time.
Membership fee needs to be mailed (see address below) or delivered in person.
Nondiscrimination Statement:
The Northern Colorado Artist Community does not discriminate against individuals or groups based on age, political affiliation, race, national origin, gender, class, disability, sexual orientation, gender expression or religious beliefs.
Northern Colorado Artist Community 3101 Kintzley Ct. Unit A, Laporte, CO 80535 970.818.8928